The Manifestation Book (#4 in Higher Consciousness Meditation Series)
You were meant to live an abundant life. A life full of love, joy, peace, health, resources and personal fulfillment. Yet, we were all born onto a planet that is not easy to negotiate. A planet which requires intelligence and cunning to try and create a sense of well-being for ourselves and for those we care about.
Do you sometimes feel that:
- Life is closing in and you don’t have the resources you need?
- This is a world of lack rather than abundance?
- You don’t know what to do to change your circumstances?
- There is a better, easier way to live?
Book Available at Amazon in Ebook and Paperback Versions. Grab One.
Would you like to:
- Feel more in control of your life and your circumstances?
- Learn some easy techniques to experience greater abundance?
- Improve your sense of wellbeing?
- Break out of your rut?
This book is an exploration of abundance and how to develop your ability to experience your own, personal, true abundance.
Available Fall, 2019. Subscribe and we will notify you.
About The Book
- We Live in an Abundant Universe
- The Law of Vibration is the Key to Experiencing Abundance
- Higher Conscious is the Key to the Law of Vibration
- Meditation is the Key to Developing your Higher Consciousness
- Give in Order to Receive
- Gratitude Will Keep Abundance Coming to You
Book Comments
Ground breaking new book. Love it
Sarah Bakker
Editor, Adventure Magazine
The Book goes beyond conventional Law of Attraction and abundance thinkng into some new realms. Also offers some powerful new techniques.
Editor, Adventure Magazine
I really like the spiritual approach to abundance this book takes.
Steve Teagle
Editor, Adventure Magazine
This might be the only manifestation book you'll need. The "Best Possible Outcomes" process alone is worthe buying the book for.
Amy Collings
Editor, Adventure Magazine
An illuminating, fun read.
Josey Staple
Editor, Adventure Magazine

My Story
I began meditating 45 years ago. In 2013 my whole world turned upside down. I dove deep into my meditation and came up with a few pearls to share……(more)