Meditation Books Sample Chapters

We thought you would enjoy a sample chapter from each book.

Benefits of Meditation

The Meditation Book

The Mindfulness Book

The Manifestation Book

Health and Healing

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Meditation Matters.  Let’s Ask, “Who are We, Really?”

Meditation Matters. Let’s Ask, “Who are We, Really?”

    There are a number of interesting ways to answer the question, “Who Are We, Really?”  The question is important to ask because most people would say, “I’m a human being, with all my foibles, living a life on Plant Earth for a relatively limited number of...

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Why Meditation Works for Healing. 5 Ways.

Why Meditation Works for Healing. 5 Ways.

Meditation interrupts the momentum The loop effect dissolves or disappears Meditation reveals the truth about human conditions Meditation shifts our attention   Meditation effects the body’s vibratory rate   Science Hints at Why Meditation Works Scientific research...

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Why Meditate?  5 Great Reasons

Why Meditate? 5 Great Reasons

Meditation has many amazing benefits.   Here are 5: To reduce stress and loneliness To invite “in” health and healing benefits     To bypass the mind’s constant chatter To make direct contact with the Divine To welcome our Soul’s participation in our lives Have you...

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Attaining Abundance: Use the Law of Attraction and Vibration

Attaining Abundance: Use the Law of Attraction and Vibration

Abundance comes through cultivating a receptive mode and by using the Law of Attraction and its parent, the Law of Vibration.  Meditation is the best way to get There.  To get to that Place where we are in a peaceful, contented, appreciative State of Mind, and all we...

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My Story

I began meditating 45 years ago. In 2013 my whole world turned upside down.  I dove deep into my meditation and came up with a few pearls to share……(more)


Author Blair Abee’s book series explores meditation, Higher Consciousness and related topics for personal growth and spiritual illumination

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Author Blair Abee’s book series explores meditation, Higher Consciousness and related topics for personal growth and spiritual illumination

© Energetic Wave Publishing. 2019 Terms and Privacy

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