National Healing Meditation

In these days of insurrection in the nation’s capital that came close to becoming a coup, my nation, the United States of America, my nation is in need of healing. For those of us who are spiritually inclined it is a time to come to the aid of the health of our democracy. From our homes, from our. And do the work that we would do if we were confronted with ill health in our family.
Swing into action to do the healing work we are capable of in times of crisis. It is that which we are capable of doing under the circumstances of not being directly involved in the action happening in Washington. But powerful, nevertheless. More powerful than we give ourselves credit for. But which we can add to the swirling soup of national collective consciousness to help the unfolding of events in the direction of Higher Consciousness. Of growth and evolution.
Active, Personal Involvement as an Event Develops
If you have read my writings since 2017, you have read more than several times about a meditation I do when taking Sasha dog go on our morning run in the morning. A meditation that I do inspired by one of my Master Teachers, Joel Goldsmith, the 20th Century writer and sage. He encouraged his readers that we all should take a moment each day to do a world meditation.. But, as far as I know, he never said how exactly.
I played with that idea for several years until, an early version of the meditation that I offer below. One day the mediation process just spang up in my awareness in a complete detailed form. Since then I have worked on this–letting my Higher Self’s creativity help me evolve it. And it has evolved from a world meditation to a meditation that includes the entire Universe.
The Healing Process
Sasha and I set out every day, shine or rain (when I put her little yellow raincoat on). As we start out I begin to breathe in and out deeply for a few minutes, just taking the morning. There’s a mockingbird that lives close to our house and who often greets me with a flurry of song, and I reply in kind—he’s much cleverer at it than I.
I begin to say to myself, “Illuminate, Elevate”, “Illuminate, Elevate”, “Illuminate, Elevate, Radiate” getting the feeling of each of these words, having the experience of being filled with light, and radiating that light to my surroundings. I find if I say the words out loud the feeling is amplified and it begins to grow into an experience that, literally, causes my vibratory rate to increase.
- (The rest of the meditation is a lot of repetition of the words, “Illuminate, Radiate”. Just warning you. Every time is different though in some large or small way. Creativity at work.)
- Then, “Illuminate, Elevate”. “Illuminate, Elevate, consciousness in my neighborhood”. “Illuminate, Elevate consciousness.” (During the coronavirus I added, “Illuminate, Elevate, Healthenate, Immunize, my neighborhood, and continued with each stage.) Sometimes the neighbors will just happen to come out of their homes and we exchange a “’Mornin’”.
- “Illuminate, Elevate”. “Illuminate, Elevate, Vallejo (my town)”. “Illuminate, Elevate, consciousness”.
- “Illuminate, Elevate”. “Illuminate, Elevate, my Bay Area. North Bay, South Bay, East Bay, West Bay, Central Bay, Bay Area”. (And in my mind’s eye, I often get a picture of something related to each area). “Illuminate, Elevate, consciousness.”
- “Illuminate, Elevate. Illuminate, Elevate consciousness in my Californiaaaa. Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western California. Central California. Illuminate, Elevate consciousness” (usually remembering somebody I know in each place).
- By now we are heading up the hill that we just went down. My sounding of the words comes out with more huff and puff. “Illuminate, Elevate, USAAAAAA. Illuminate, Elevate. Illuminate, Elevate, consciousness. Illuminate, Elevate, Leadership (especially now). Illuminate, Elevate, Unite our Citizenship”. (Somewhere right here I begin double timing and then triple timing my gait to get a good aerobic workout as we get to the top of the hill). Also, by now, I am really feeling the illumination and sense of Soul Contact that such a healing exercise can bring.
- Then we stop. Sasha pees. And turn to walk the rest of the way home.
- I finish up by illuminating and radiating to Planetary, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe and Eternity levels. For the purpose of this exercise, I will eliminate the details to leave the exercise at the national level, my country, the target of this particular guided meditation.
The Value of Such an Exercise
- First, thanks to Joel’s inspiration I think I have lifted the vibratory rate of my neighborhood, town, region, state and nation (and Universe), of only an ounce. I have “prayed” for the elevation of our human consciousness into Higher Consciousness, into Eternal Being Consciousness.
- I have been doing this for a while and say to myself related to my country, “Illuminate” (meaning raise my consciousness to an Illumination state), “Radiate”, meaning from my illumined state Within, that Spirit “Radiate” out to my country, my fellow citizens, our leaders, and “Elevate”, meaning Elevate our 3 dimensional into 5D Consciousness.
- And I personally feel invigorated. Lifted up. Light filled. Ready to face my day with the knowledge that I, as an individual human being and spark of The ALL, have done all that I know how to do for this day.
Often when events seem out of our control, we don’t know what to do. We feel helpless. Unable to influence the outcome of event. This guided meditation balances that scale. Offers a remedy. It gives us a format to know what to do. A format that hangs together and elevates everything, and everybody, if only for just a bit. Others doing the same add to the amplitude of the vibration.
What do you think? How do you like this approach to doing healing work outside of your family? Are you interested in trying it out? Leave your comments below.
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