The Ukrainian desire for self-determination is indomitable. Against what was described as one of the world’s finest military machines. Fortunately, the Russian army has proven to...

The Ukrainian desire for self-determination is indomitable. Against what was described as one of the world’s finest military machines. Fortunately, the Russian army has proven to...
In recent years I have come to appreciate Easter more than ever. As a celebration of Christ Consciousness. Whatever you think about Jesus it is easy to accept that, based on his...
Here are 5 meditation principles for health and wellness for you to consider. Scientific research shows, in study after study, that meditation aids in health and well-being....
Anxiety. The heart races, the thoughts tumble too fast to process, the anticipation of the next moment, hour, or day causes worry or worse, dread. Inner turmoil. Stress. We all...
I have updated my article on doing a healing meditation for Ukraine. And developed a YouTube video, my first on my Higher Consciousness Channel. Go to this link to see it: ...
A healing meditation is needed. The drumbeat of war in Ukraine is heating up and Russia just announced recognition of occupied areas of Ukraine. Early this morning I awoke...
Let’s first address one of the major benefits of meditation–lessening stress. Stress, that feeling of agitation familiar to all of us in response to the pressures of daily,...
That God is not a superhuman creator and controller of the Universe (See Part 1) but The ALL, the Entirety of Eternity is an important distinction. Conclusions and Principles...
It matters very much who or what God is. The answer to these questions is the crux of elevated awareness and spirituality. The misunderstanding of which can take us in the wrong...
It has been said that from a metaphysical perspective human life is a dream. And that one day we will wake up and understand the truth of this statement that “Life is a dream”....
I began meditating 45 years ago. In 2013 my whole world turned upside down. I dove deep into my meditation and came up with a few pearls to share……(more)
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