New Year’s Day. December 21. How to Take Advantage of It.

In recent years I have thought January 1 is way too late for New Year’s Day. The shortest day has come and gone, and the days are already getting longer. It’s no wonder our New Year’s resolutions seem somewhat hollow. They are made during a hangover on the wrong day.
The Ancients had it right.
Winter Solstice is our Planet’s New Year’s Day and I think it should be mine too. To me, this makes more sense as a New Year’s Day because it aligns with the rhythm of our solar system rather than the somewhat arbitrary Julian calendar. And, astrologically, the Sun leaves expansive, philosophical Sagittarius for “buckle down and get things done” Capricorn. A good day to think big about my upcoming year and then begin to shifting into focus.
Lots of people make New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions to lose weight, exercise more, meditate every day. Whatever. With every intention of keeping them. Or least hoping to keep them. Often, they are not kept and sometimes they are.
I’m not a fan of creating New Year’s resolutions.
I like creating uplifting New Year’s vibrations better. I’m convinced that we create our own reality. In fact, it’s been my experience that what I do today is setting the stage for tomorrow and the next day and the next.
This is especially true if you also accept the notion that we actually attract to ourselves the good and the bad of our lives. The Law of Attraction says that “like attracts like”. Asserting, in effect, that on the whole /on the average our thoughts, beliefs, subconscious urges, ego characteristics, choices made today, and resulting vibratory rates generated, become the substance of our tomorrows. Cause and effect.
If we want to have an effect, then, on this dynamic soup that is our lives, if we want something more, better, of higher quality in our future, the time to influence that is today. I advocate for a process that upgrades our state of mind. When a state of mind changes other changes will occur, sometimes automatically.
When I realized that my tennis improved when I was able to stay in a neutral state of mind, to be in the moment and not worry about winning or losing, I was able to play better. From a neutral state my instincts could take over and I could just “let the body hit the ball”, to use the analogy that Tim Gallwey uses in The Inner Game of Tennis.
Meditation is the best method I can think to change our State of Mind.
Meditation allows its practitioners to get to at least a neutral state and to let the natural instincts of our Higher Consciousness take over and let Spirit flow instead of fear. When this happens, we achieve a higher state of vibration and causes the Law of Attraction to work.
What’s needed at this time of Solstice is for us to relax and meditate a bit to alter our consciousness and our vibration, to ease into Christmas with an acknowledgement of Christ Consciousness, and to have that set the tone for the New Year. I find it’s better to ease myself into an upgraded state of Awareness for an elevated version of myself to come forth than to try to muscle a New Year’s resolution into existence.
If you want an extra boost into the New Year…
The evening of December 21 is also a good time to undertake a Best Possible Outcomes exercise. Discussed in detail in my book The Manifestation Book, a BPO exercise goes like this. “I ask my Higher Consciousness (my Soul) for the Best Possible Outcome for the New Year for myself and everyone involved in my life.” Then pause, take a breath and allow Spirit to move. Followed by, “Thank you, Soul, for your participation in my life.”
And turn the New Year over to Spirit, to your Soul, which has your best interest at heart and will clear the path before you to make the crooked places straight as you unfold your next 365 days.
E-books about spiritual matters make great Christmas reading. And a great last-minute Christmas gift for friends, neighbors and relatives.
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- Go to Buy for Others in the upper right-hand portion of the page.
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Your choices:
- Book 1, The Amazing Benefits of Meditation
- Book 2, The Meditation Book
- Book 3, The Mindfulness Book
- Book 4, The Manifestation Book
- Book 6, Homage to Spirit (poetry)
Blair Abee is an author, poet, YouTuber, and ordinary mystic. His 5 award-winning books are available at Amazon Books, and his YouTube videos at Blair Abee Higher Consciousness. Get on his email list by going to and get a free copy of The Amazing Benefits of Mediation.
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