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Meditation Books Sample Chapters
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How to Meditate for Anxiety
Are you feeling anxious? Can you imagine for a moment regaining your equilibrium? We'll be talking about how to meditate for anxiety in this post and how that can be helpful. Let's face, these are stressful times. A world pandemic. Millions still out of work. ...
What Does Meditation Mean?
Meditation fundamentally means pulling back from the world a bit and going inside to gain a larger perspective on our world. To disconnect a bit from the ego/mind part of our brains which is constantly chattering on about what's going on in front of us and what the...
How Does Meditation Help?
Buddha said that “life is suffering”. And that one significant antidote to suffering is meditation. We’ll explore both of these ideas in today’s post to discover “How Does Meditation Help?” Buddha was acknowledging a very core fact about human existence. Life...
What is Meditation?
The answer to the question "What is Meditation?" is diverse and covers a lot of ground. The term “meditation” (much like the term “sports”) refers to a broad variety of practices that includes techniques designed to promote relaxation, build internal energy or life...
Author Blair Abee’s book series explores meditation, Higher Consciousness and related topics for personal growth and spiritual illumination
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Author Blair Abee’s book series explores meditation, Higher Consciousness and related topics for personal growth and spiritual illumination
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